SPSF Announces Grants Donation for the 2023-2024 School Year

Jun 19, 2023

SPOKANE, WA – Since its founding in 2006, the Spokane Public Schools Foundation (SPSF) has provided over $500,000 in grant funds that directly benefit thousands of Spokane Public Schools students.

The SPSF Grant Committee recently completed its annual process of soliciting, reviewing, and selecting applications for Spokane Public Schools projects that will be funded for the 2023-2024 school year. A total of 56 applications were received, which compares to 78 last year. The total request was $98,126.00. As a result of the committee recommendations, our SPSF board voted to approve full or partial funding for 54 grants totaling $90,490.00.

SPSF grants are made directly to educators in classrooms and schools to support a myriad of innovative new programs. These programs often focus on STEAM, and they enhance learning to create a challenging curriculum for all students. Foundation grants help bring the creativity of our educators to life in support of our local youth. SPSF provides the funding needed to allow for specialized programs, furniture, supplies and technology that would otherwise not be available.

The diverse range of grants approved this year is made up of 16 elementary, 9 middle school, and 29 high school projects. Some are for a few hundred dollars and others are for the full maximum of $2,500. Here are some examples:

  • North Central High School – This program is to purchase a Glowforge Plus Laser Cutter for the engineering program at North Central High School. This machine will allow teachers to greatly enhance student projects in all engineering courses that are offered.

  • Audubon Elementary - This program is to support improved attendance for students K-5 who participate in small group English Language Arts intervention. One hundred and thirty-three students currently participate in small group ELA intervention but 43 of them already have ten or more absences for the school year which jeopardizes their ability to grow their skills while accessing this valuable support.

  • Rogers High School - The purpose of this grant is to provide additional flight opportunities for students enrolled in our inaugural ground and flight training program. Spokane Public Schools has partnered with Northwest Flight Service at Felts Field to provide ground and flight training to students. The primary objective of the program is to motivate students to pursue a career in aviation by providing ground and flight training towards an FAA-certified Private Pilots certificate.

The SPSF board of directors will be presenting the funds to the Spokane Public School District at the next SPS Board meeting on June 21 in a presentation of a ceremonial check and an overview of the mission of the Foundation.

Press are invited to attend the meeting at SPS headquarters, located at 200 N. Bernard Street in downtown Spokane on the evening of June 21, 2023 at 7:00pm.