Grant Awards
2024 – 2025 Grants Awarded
Freezer for Food Distribution, Rogers High School, 12th Grade, Aaron Brecek
Books for 8th Grade English, Peperzak Middle School, 8th Grade, Adrienne Kilbourne
iPads for the Library to Support Robotics & Reading Fluency, Lincoln Heights Elementary, 3rd Grade, Alicia Rogers
Native American Storytelling with STYLE, Westview Elementary, 2nd Grade, Amanda Monger
Outdoor Education 2024-2025, Spokane Public Montessori, 7th Grade, Amy Jensen
Student and Staff Multicultural Book Club, North Central High School, 8th Grade, Andrea Bass
Therapeutic Listening Program, Shadle Park High School, 11th Grade, Andrew Cole
Flexible, Optimal Seating, Regal Elementary, 2nd Grade, Ann Thomas
Logan Family Math Night, Logan Elementary, 5th Grade, Anna Wood
Education Focused SEL & Yoga Teacher Certification, North Central High School, 10th Grade , Ashlee Munsey
Mentoring and Belonging, Rogers High School, 11th Grade, Ashley Yelenich
We Need You Here, Madison Elementary, Becky McFarland
Empowering Young Minds: Yoga Program, Audubon Elementary, 3rd and 4th Grades, Breanna Smith
Life Skills Swimming Lessons, Audubon Elementary, 2nd Grade, Brenda Boyd
Education through Creative Technology, Glover Middle School, 7th Grade, Brenda Cunningham
Westview & Shadle Park Mural Project, Westview Elementary & Shadle Park High School, 3rd Grade, Brooke Meyer
Student Participation in Speech and Debate, North Central High School, 10th Grade, Carlos Santos
Wipebooks and Whiteboard Markers, Lewis and Clark High School, 9th Grade, Casey Kuehn
Pottery Studio Equipment Update, Lewis and Clark High School, 10th Grade, Chad Brazill
Ukuleles: Bringing Community to the Music Classroom, Whitman Elementary, 5th Grade, Cooper Jurasin
Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics, Lewis and Clark High School, 12th Grade, David Nickisch
Flexible Seating and Book Shelves, Woodridge Elementary, 3rd Grade, Debbie Holt
Library of Regulation Tools, Mullan Road Elementary School, 1st Grade, Diana Janachek
Lifetime Activities in the Backyard, Garfield Elementary, 5th Grade, Donavon Hodgson
Drum Circle and Marimba Club, Linwood Elementary, 3rd Grade, Elizabeth Samse
STEM to Support SEL Growth and Cooperative Learning - PHASE 2, Linwood Elementary, 5th Grade, Emily O'halloran
Preschool Family Partnership Program, Stevens Elementary, Pre-K, Emily Schlettert
Collaborative Art for K-8 Urban School Community, Spokane Public Montessori Middle School 7th Grade, Erin Schmidt
JV Cheerleading, Spokane Public Schools High Schools, George Petticrew
Building a Collaborative Math Community, Shadle Park High School, 11th Grade, Heather LeMire
Health Room Materials, Grant Elementary, 3rd Grade, Heidi Hash
Girls Who Code, Linwood Elementary, 4th Grade, Hilary Davis
Attendance Incentive Program, Adams Elementary, 3rd Grade, Jamie Wopschall
Literacy Intervention and ELD attendance Incentive, Audubon Elementary, 1st Grade, Janet Budke
Cooking Club, Roosevelt Elementary, 4th Grade, Jilian Winterfeld
Northeast Spokane Bike Build, Rogers High School, 12th Grade, Joe Phipps
Embracing Diversity: Building School and Community Connection Through Art, Grant Elementary, 5th Grade, Jordan Pride
Expanding Horizons: Non-Fiction for Young Minds, Longfellow Elementary, 1st Grade, Joseph Arnhold
7th Grade ELA Novel Expansion, Peperzak Middle School, 7th Grade, Justin Farley and Julie Shogan
Zero-Cut Girl's Team Tennis, Lewis and Clark High School, 9th Grade, Kate Burns
Slammin' Summer Experience, Roosevelt Elementary, 5th Grade, Kate Lyle
Continued Enjoyable Reading, North Central High School 7th Grade, Kelley Hilderman
Teaching through Technology, Linwood Elementary, 4th Grade, Kelsy Shatto
Novel Selection Expansion, Peperzak Middle School, 8th Grade, Kim Forsberg
Increasing Access Using Tech Tools, Grant Elementary, 3rd Grade, Kim Newton
Calming Corner, Shaw Middle School, 7th Grade, Kim Wolfe and Bryce Biggerstaff
Bridging Art, Technology and Mathematics: Screen Printing, Peperzak Middle School, 6th Grade, Kimberly Vandervert
Citizen of the Month Books for Grant Elementary, Grant Elementary School, Kori Klaue
Team Mindful, Yasuhara Middle School, 7th Grade, Kriste Draper
Building Bridges - The Continued Conversation, Bemiss Elementary, 3rd Grade, Kristy Wilkinson
Literacy is Bruin at Roosevelt, Roosevelt Elementary, Leah Halloran
Skateboarding Fundamentals Club, Woodridge Elementary, 4th Grade, Lillianne Barberis
Afterschool Remote Control Car Program, Woodridge Elementary, 5th Grade, Lisa Henderson
Modernizing the NCHS Nonfiction Collection, North Central High School, 12th Grade, Loreley Smith
Classroom Headphones, Regal Elementary School, 1st Grade, Lucas Trunkey
Family Game Time!, Salk Middle School, 6th Grade, Lyndsey Sabo
Linwood Diversity Club Enriching Activities, Linwood Elementary School, 5th Grade, Maria Esther Zamora and Deanna Dashiell
Linwood Educators Club, Linwood Elementary School, 5th Grade, Maria Esther Zamora and Deanna Dashiell
Voices Literary Magazine, North Central High School, 12th Grade, Mary Fruchter
Native American Literature Field Trip and Books, North Central High School, 11th Grade, Mary Fruchter
Make History at NC, North Central High School, 9th Grade, Matt Johnson
Multiplication Flash Cards, Garry Middle School, 6th Grade, Melissa Fredekind
RISE Program, District/Administrative, 8th Grade, Millini Goodman
Sewing Machine Replacements, Sacajawea Middle School, 7th Grade, Mrs. Zig Pavey
Taking Filmmaking to the Next Level, The Community School, 10th Grade, Nathan Seaburg
Backpacking, On Track Academy, 11th Grade, Nathan Ziegler
Community Life Experiences, Audubon, 1st Grade, Racheal McGovern
Empowering Literacy by Removing Barriers to Access: Enhancing Access with Playaway Audiobooks, Hutton Elementary, 3rd Grade, Rachel Peters
Afterschool TAKE ROOT: A Healthful Living After School Program, Shaw Middle School, 6th Grade, Rhonda Leibrecht
Classroom Set of blueGel Genetics/Electrophoresis Systems, North Central High School, 9th Grade, Richard Cody Harding
A Reinforcer and Regulation Tool Inventory, SPS District Wide Support, Sara Bledsoe
North Central Basic Needs, North Central High School, 12th Grade, Sarah Myers
North Central Link Crew, North Central High School, 9th Grade, Sarah Myers
Multi-Cultural Cooking Club, Yasuhara Middle School, 7th Grade, Satanya Haws
Protect the Pack: Mind, Body, and Soul, North Central High School, 9th Grade, Shamerica Nakamura
Shades Celebrates, North Central High School, 9th Grade, Shamerica Nakamura
Feed the Pack, North Central High School, 9th Grade, Shamerica Nakamura
PBIS Reward App, Garry Middle School, 7th Grade, Shanell Rogers
Glass Workshop, On Track Academy, 11th, Sherri Hopkins
Trauma Informed Yoga: Tier 2 Intervention, Grant Elementary, 5th Grade, Sierra Campbell
Small Group Instruction, North Central High School, 9th Grade, Tamara Bonn
SVL Need Grant for 2024 Summer school, SVL, 9th Grade, Ted Baycroft
Replenishing of STEM/Makerspaces, Stevens Elementary, 5th Grade, Trish O'Connor Nelson
Cardio Drumming, Cooper Elementary, 3rd Grade, Will Jacobsen
Enhancing Chinese Language Education through Accessible Libraries, Lewis and Clark High School, Sacajawea Middle School, Yvonne Quigley
Social Studies Skill in Color, North Central High School, 11th Grade, Zachary Pittman
Fossil Field Trip: Stonerose, Steamboat, and Grand Coulee, North Central High School, 7th Grade, Zack Zappone
2023 – 2024 Grants Awarded
Attendance Intervention for Students in ELA Small Group Intervention, Audubon Elementary, 1st Grade, Cori Valley
School Spirit for All, Audubon Elementary, 1st Grade, Angela Luchterhand
Let's Get Flexible, Audubon Elementary, 1st Grade, Anna Ashleson
Sensory Motor Pathway, Finch Elementary, 1st Grade, Andrew Cole
Accelerated Reading, Finch Elementary, 5th Grade, Judy Reavis
Scholastic Action Magazine, Flett Middle School, 6th Grade, Tomeline Palm
Rotating Secondary Learning Center, Flett Middle School, 7th Grade, Jennifer Selland
Cornhole for Garfield, Garfield Elementary, 3rd Grade, Donavon Hodgson
Helping Ravens SoaRRR Higher, Garry Middle School, 6th Grade, BreAna Powell
Trauma Informed Yoga Intervention, Grant Elementary School, 5th Grade, Sierra Campbell
Social-Emotional Learning Resource Library, Grant Elementary School, 5th Grade, George Gessler
Health Room Supplies, Grant Elementary School, Preschool-5th Grade, Heidi Hash, RN
Citizen of the Month Books, Grant Elementary School, 3rd Grade, Kori Klaue
Zones of Regulation-Supports for Emotional Stress and Dysregulation, Jefferson Elementary School, 4th Grade, Brent Pedue
Wipebook and Whiteboard Markers, Lewis and Clark High School, 9th Grade, Casey Kuehn
Rubik's Cube Mosaics - Combining Mathematics and Art, Libby Center, 5th Grade, Amy Barton
STEM to Support SEL and Collaborative Learning, Linwood Elementary, 5th Grade, Emily O'Halloran
Outdoor Education, Montessori, Spokane Public, 8th Grade, Amy Jensen
Dramatic Play/Workshop Model Supplies, Moran Prairie Elementary, 1st Grade, Claire McCloskey
Sensory Pathway & Supplies, Moran Prairie Elementary, 1st Grade, Leah Lorimer
3D Molecular Design Models for AP Biology, North Central High School, 10th Grade, Andy Munsey
Funding to Ensure Continued Student Participation in Speech and Debate, North Central High School, 9th Grade, Carlos Santos
Updating the Library's Graphic Novel Collection, North Central High School, 12th Grade, Loreley Smith
Continuing the Student and Staff Multicultural Book Club, North Central High School, 12th Grade, Andrea Bass
Voices Literary Magazine, North Central High School, 11th Grade, Mary Fruchter
Link Crew, North Central High School, 9th Grade, Shamerica Nakamura
Feed the Pack, North Central High School, 9th Grade, Shamerica Nakamura
Shades Celebrates, North Central High School, 9th Grade, Shamerica Nakamura
Diversifying Curriculum - New Perspectives, North Central High School, 6th Grade, Nick McDerrah
North Central Basic Needs, North Central High School, 12th Grade, Sarah Myers
Glowforge Plus Laser Cutter, North Central High School, 9th Grade, Ryan West
History Day Research, North Central High School, 6th Grade, Paula Korus
OTA FPV Drone Builders, On Track Academy, 11th Grade, Matt Moureaux
Gel Printing Unit - Pattern/Texture and Personal Mantra, Peperzak Middle School, 6th Grade, Kimberly Moe
Flexible Seating for Young Learners, Regal Elementary, 1st Grade, Morgan Galle
Continuation of Regal's ASB, Regal Elementary, 5th Grade, Jamie Ward
Regal Rams Shirt Creators, Regal Elementary, 5th Grade, Emelia Roohr
Flexible Seating , Regal Elementary, 1st Grade, Jamie Ward
Mindfulness, SEL, and Yoga Teacher Training, Regal Elementary, 1st Grade, Korah Cobb
Keep Regal Running, Regal Elementary, 5th Grade, Korah Cobb
Flight Training, Rogers High School, 11th Grade, Daniel Nielsen
Cooking Club, Roosevelt Elementary, 4th Grade, Jilian Winterfeld
Books for 7th Grade English, Sacajawea Middle School, 7th Grade, Jeremy Ulmen
Sacajawea Drama Program Start Up, Sacajawea Middle School, 7th Grade, Adrienne Kilbourne
Math Supplies, Shadle Park High School, 9th Grade, Annsley Skipper
Afterschool TAKE ROOT: A Healthful Living After School Program, Shaw Middle School, 6th Grade, Rhonda Leibrecht
Summer School Grant, Spokane Virtual Learning, 9th Grade, Ted Baycroft
Stevens Preschool Family Partnership, Stevens Elementary, Emily Schlettert
Diverse, rich, and engaging mentor texts for deeper conversations and comprehension, Stevens Elementary, 1st Grade, Raeanne Maier
Multicultural Materials, Stevens Elementary, 2nd Grade, Heidi Harding
Something to Bark About, Willard Elementary, 1st Grade, Shelley Thams
Toolboxes and Tools for the Trades, Woodridge Elementary, 3rd Grade, Jeremy Klingback
Student Book Club, Lewis and Clark High School, 11th Grade, Mark Robbins
Enjoyable Reading, North Central High School, 12th Grade, Kelley Hilderman
The Return of the Wolves, North Central High School, 9th Grade, Courtney Hare
2022 – 2023 Grants Awarded
SPSF received a record number of grant applications for the 2022-2023 school year, resulting in a record number of grants awarded and the largest dollar amount yet delivered to classrooms. Of the 88 applications received, 65 were selected to award full or partial funding. Grant amounts ranged between $140.00 and $2,500.00.
- Renewable Energy Field Studies, Shaw Middle School, 7th Grade, Cameron Burns
- Flexible Seating and Classroom Library, Lidgerwood Elementary, 1st Grade, Deedra Poggemeyer
- Kimochi Social Emotional Learning Program, Mullan Road Elementary, Kara Eckhardt
- Hydroponic Indoor Gardening System, North Central High School, 9th Grade, Andy Munsey
- Math Compasses , Lewis & Clark High School, 10th Grade, Casey Kuehn
- Merry Glen - Bemiss Collaboration, Bemiss Elementary, Kristy Wilkinson
- Headphones for K-2 Regal Students, Regal Elementary, 1st Grade, Morgan Galle
- Handwriting for Better Readers, Woodridge Elementary, 1st Grade, WendiRae Putzke
- Robotics Upgrade, North Central High School, 11th Grade, Ryan West
- Student Filmmaking, Graphic Design and Photography - Putting Industry Tools in the Hands of Students, The Community School, 9th Grade, Nathan Seaburg
- Outdoor Education Opportunity for Urban Youth, Spokane Public Montessori, 8th Grade, Erin Schmidt
- Linwood Lion Lego Collaboration , Linwood Elementary School, 6th Grade, Matthew Garvin
- Bringing Coding to Life with Robots, Hutton Elementary, 3rd Grade, Rachel Peters
- Flexible Seating, Moran Prairie Elementary, 1st Grade, Corrin Rose
- Skills USA Drone Grant, Rogers High School, 9th Grade, Carol Kaplan
- Health Room Grant at Grant, Grant Elementary, Heidi Hash
- Books for 7th Grade English, Sacajawea Middle School", Sacajawea Middle School, 7th Grade, Adrienne Kilbourne
- SEL Educator kit, materials, and games to increase SEL competencies Stevens and Frances L.N Scott Elementary Schools, 1st Grade
- Lidgerwood Community Through Music Proposal, Lidgerwood Elementary, 3rd Grade, Christina Thomas
- Books That Look Like Me, Stevens Elementary, 2nd Grade, Heidi Harding
- Novels For Change, Libby Center, 6th Grade, Kristi Stroyan
- Shared Reading Mentor Texts, Stevens Elementary, 1st Grade, Brianne Williams
- Sparkler's Club Enrollment--Art Lessons to help my K-8 students, Spokane Public Montessori, 4th Grade, Amber Smith
- Creating Art to Feed our Community, Salk Middle School, 7th Grade, Colleen MacIver
- Sensory Pathways, Willard Elementary, Cynthia Stuhlberg
- Happy Ears, Happy Learning, Frances L.N. Scott Elementary, 4th Grade, Sarah Brueggemeier
- Building Resiliency through Mindfulness, HEART Program, 7th Grade, Rusanne Modeland
- Ukuleles for Westview Elementary, Westview Elementary, 5th Grade, Rebecca Jackson
- Investing in Physical Activities now for Future Payouts, Garry Middle School, 8th Grade, Scott Numata
- Creative Coding and Relevant Robotics: Learning Centers for the Library, Mullan Road Elementary, 4th Grade, Emily Jensen
- Libby Make-it Station, Libby Elementary, 1st Grade, Holly Vittetoe
- Ethnographic Perspectives of Logan Elementary Community in the Diversity Club, Logan Elementary, 5th Grade, Maria Esther Zamora
- 5th Grade Ukulele Project, Linwood Elementary, 5th Grade, Elizabeth Samse
- Continuation of Cardio and Bucket Drumming, Audubon Elementary, 3rd Grade, Angela Bina
- Stimulating STEM Bins, Garfield Elementary, 1st Grade, Kathleen Larson
- STEM Online Progress Tracking and Classroom Management: Tech Center Success Pack, Arlington Elementary, 5th Grade, Denise Olsen
- Stevens Preschool Family Partnership Grant- Events, Stevens Elementary, Emily Schlettert
- Voices Literary Magazine, North Central High School, 9th Grade, Mary Fruchter
- Native American Literature Field Trip and Guest Speakers, North Central High School, 12th Grade, Mary Fruchter
- Regal ASB , Regal Elementary , 5th Grade, Jamie Ward
- Courtesy Club, Regal Elementary, 5th Grade, Carlos Garcia
- Continuing NC's Multicultural Book Club, North Central High School, 9th Grade, Andrea Bass
- Flexible Seating for Elementary Resource Room, Audubon Elementary, 3rd Grade, Salina Camacho
- Songwriting Through Youth Literature Education (STYLE) Native American Storytelling, Westview Elementary, 3rd Grade, Amanda Monger
- Cardio Drumming , Regal Elementary , 5th Grade, Korah Cobb
- Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Tier 2/3 Intervention, Finch Elementary, 3rd Grade, John Cash
- North Central Basic Needs, North Central High School, Sarah Myers
- Accelerated Reading, Finch Elementary, 5th Grade, Judy Reavis
- Refugee, A Novel Study, Jefferson Elementary, 5th Grade, Diana Janachek
- Flexible seating, Woodridge Elementary, 3rd Grade, Debbie Holt
- Rams Shirt Creators, Regal Elementary, 5th Grade, Krysten Proszek
- Classroom needs, Woodridge Elementary , 3rd Grade, Ashley Walsh
- Helping Ravens SoaRRR, Garry Middle School, 7th Grade, BreAna Powell
- Cross-Curricular Reading Book Grant Proposal, Sacajawea Middle School, 8th Grade, Shannon Ward
- Circle of Security Parenting at Bemiss Elementary, Bemiss Elementary, 3rd Grade, Brooke Miller
- Longfellow Media Club , Longfellow Elementary, 5th Grade, Joseph Arnhold
- Ozobots for the Cooper Library, Cooper Elementary, 5th Grade, Katie Anderson
- COSP Support Group, Bemiss Elementary, 3rd Grade, Brooke Miller
- The Community School National Rocketry Challenge, The Community School, 10th Grade, Ryan Campanella
- ProjectLIT RHS Community Book Club, John R. Rogers High School, 12th Grade, Kelly Diamond
- Roosevelt Safe Spaces and Calming Baskets Refresh, Roosevelt Elementary School, 1st Grade, Laurie Curran
- Calm Zone, Longfellow Elementary, 1st Grade, Christa Genili
- Regulation Tool Library, Jefferson Elementary, 1st Grade, Kim Gage
- Patterns of Wonder, Stevens Elementary, 1st Grade, Christine Curren
2021 – 2022 Grants Awarded
- Preschool Furniture Proposal, Regal Elementary, 1st Grade, Andrew Cole
- Preschool Sensory Area, Linwood Elementary, 1st Grade, Andrew Cole
- 3D Printing for biological models, North Central High School, 11th Grade, Andy Munsey
- Engineering Pneumatic System, North Central High School, 12th Grade, Ryan West
- Mini Engineers | Mini Ingenieros, Libby Center, 1st Grade, Jennifer Morris
- Beginning a Kumi Daiko Ensemble, Stevens Elementary, 6th Grade, Shawn Tolley
- Legos to Build Storytellers!, Adams Elementary, 2nd Grade, Taylor McIlraith
- Reading Comprehension and Writing to Sources, Stevens Elementary, 6th Grade, David Dehlbom
- Spokane Virtual Learning Summer School Need Grant, Spokane Virtual Learning, 9th Grade, Ted Baycroft
- Argument Driven Inquiry in Chemistry , Lewis & Clark High School, 9th Grade, Kendra Moser
- North Central Continues To Read!, North Central High School, 10th Grade, Kelley Hilgerman
- Support for Counselor Program and Calming room, Grant Elementary, Madeline Sells
- We've Got the Wiggles, Finch Elementary, 4th Grade, Katie Munro
- Diversifying the North Central Library, North Central High School, 12th Grade, Andrea Bass
- Increasing Diverse Voices in Lewis and Clark Library, Lewis and Clark High School, 12th Grade, Andrea Bass
- Providing Books to Students for Multicultural Book Club, North Central High School, 9th Grade, Shamerica Nakamura
- Cultural Connections: Native American Literature Field Trip and Books, North Central High School, 12th Grade, Riley Moore
- North Central Voices Literary Magazine, North Central High School, 9th Grade, Mary Fruchter
- Literary Equity- Real life heroes to learn the hero's journey, North Central High School, 8th Grade, Marina Gruis
- Ukuleles for Cooper Music, Cooper Elementary, 5th Grade, Kathleen Messersmith
- African American Literature's Expansion of Multicultural Education Initiative, North Central High School, 12th Grade, Joseph Kraus
- Sensory Tools for Regulation Stations, Logan, 3rd Grade, Brent Perdue
- North Central AVID College Visits, North Central, 9th Grade, Matt Johnson
- Heggerty Phonemic Support System, Regal Elementary, 1st Grade, Sarah (Sally) Dueweke
- Health Room Grant for Grant, Grant Elementary, 1st Grade, Heidi Hash
- As fast as you can, as slow as you must!, Regal Elementary, Heather Miciak
- Accelerated Reader for Logan Elementary, Logan Elementary, 5th Grade, Judy Reavis
- Circle of Security Parenting, Bemiss Elementary, 3rd Grade, Brooke Miller
- Evidence-based Stuttering Treatment Training for Speech Language Pathologists, Multiple SPS schools, Kristin Joham
- On Track Academy and First Books and The Stories for All Projects, On Track Academy, 11th Grade, Molly Johnson (with student Mailisha Magnuson)
- Citizen of the Month Prizes, Grant Elementary, 6th Grade, Katrina Hawker
- STEM Project and STEM Career Night At John R. Rogers High School, Rogers, 9th Grade, Carol Kaplan
- Middle School Reading Intervention Enrichment, Sacajawea Middle School, 7th Grade, Nancy Nicholas
- Laminar Flow Hood for Microbiology Workstation, The Community School, John J Dill II
- The Community School Garden, The Community School, 10th Grade, Ryan Campanella
- PBIS Incentive Room, Stevens Elementary, K-6, Darren Cromeenes & Sheree Rizzardi
- S.O.A.R. Puppeteer Program, Stevens Elementary, Preschool-6th, Fondra Magee
- Walking Wednesday, Bemiss Elementary, Angela Gaddis
2019 – 2020 Grants Awarded
Mindfulness and behavioral tools were among the most requested grants for the 2019-2020 school year. The Foundation provided grants ranging from $200 to $1,000 to school district staff for a variety of programs, equipment purchases, and creative projects that enhance student learning. Grants are awarded based on a number of criteria, including need, number of students affected, free and reduced lunch rates, and overall uniqueness.
This year there was over $40,000 in grant requests, showing the need for support of these important resources. To date the Foundation has awarded more than $210,000 in grants.
- Continued Enjoyable Reading – North Central -10th grade
- Balboa's Purposeful Pathways – Balboa Elementary – 3rd grade teacher Katie Munro
- Steven Elementary Rutsungo Marimba – Stevens Elementary – 6th grade teacher Shawn Tolley
- Sacajawea Theatre Guild – Sacajawea Middle School – 7th grade teacher Adrienne Kilbourne
- In what language do YOU say hello? – Shaw Middle School – 7th grade teacher Kamian Truman
- Jardineros en Acción / Gardeners in Action – Libby Center – 1st grade teacher Jennifer Morris
- Spokane Virtual Learning Summer School Need Grant – Spokane Virtual Learning – 9th grade teacher Ted Baycroft
- Keeping it Flexible – Libby Center - Odyssey – 6th grade teacher Jessii Arp
- Flexible Seating at Balboa Elementary – Balboa Elementary – 3rd grade teacher Katie Munro
- John R Rogers STEM Maker Center – John R. Rogers High School – 10th grade teacher Carol Kaplan
- Predator and Prey and Animals Survival in Their Habitat – Longfellow Elementary – 1st grade teacher Christopher Markofski
- North Central 11th Grade AVID West Coast College Tour – North Central HS – 11th grade teacher Matt Johnson
- Morning Tubs for Growing Minds-Take Two – Roosevelt Elementary – 1st grade teacher Sara Ball
- North Central Literary Arts Magazine – North Central HS – 11th grade teacher Mary Fruchter
- Health Room Supplies – Grant Elementary – Health teacher Heidi Hash
- Balametrics Brain Training Program – Stevens Elementary – 2nd grade teacher Jessica Becherini
- Small Projection Center to Enhance Small Group Instruction – Finch Elementary – 3rd grade teacher Amber Smith
- The Spokane Public Schools Visual Thinking Strategies Writing Cohort Model – Hamblen Elementary – 1st grade teacher Anne Norling
- Providing immediate feedback on reading improvement for upper elementary students in high poverty, high trauma educational settings – Logan Elementary – 5th grade Judy Reavis
- Fine Motor Interventions for Kindergarten and First Grade – Whitman – Laura Hamilton
- African Balifon (xylophone) for the Grant Elementary Drummers and Dancers – Grant Elementary School – 4th grade teacher Kevin Cope
- Guest Speakers – Grant Elementary School – 4th grade teacher Kevin Cope
- Guest Speaker Erin Jones overcoming obstacles and planning for a great future – Garry Middle School – 8th grade teacher Deborah Swanby
- Phenomena-Based Learning – On Track Academy – 11th grade teacher Amanda St. Pierre
- Self-Regulation Classroom Toolboxes – Lidgerwood Elementary – 3rd grade teacher Michaela Jones
- Shaw & Bemiss Summer Therapy Group (Incoming grades 6 - 9) – Shaw Middle School – 6th grade teacher Sally Sederstrom
- Celebrating Citizen of the Month with books – Grant Elementary – 6th grade teacher Katrina Hawker
- Bilingual Books for Independent Reading for the Spanish Language Immersion Program – Language Immersion at Libby – 2nd grade teacher Morgan Yost Zaro
- Outdoor Recreaction & Education with Roosevelt Families – Roosevelt Elementary – 5th grade teacher Sandra Olsen
- Literacy Resources for Language Immersion – Language Immersion at Libby – 1st grade teacher Melina Rios
- Scoot, Scoot, Kick, Throw - Garry PE Go, Go, Go – Garry Middle School – 8th grade teacher Scott Numata
- Social Emotional Supports for Grant Calming Center – Grant Elementary – 1st grade teacher Madeline Sells
- Interactive Notebooks for Summit – Shaw Middle School – 7th grade teacher Heather Kaluza
- Bots for kids – Chase Middle School – 7th grade teacher Lorna Vu
2018 – 2019 Grants Awarded
STEM and the Arts are among the items that the 2018-19 Spokane Public Schools Foundation grants purchased for classroom projects and programs. The Foundation presented a check for $35,552, the total awarded to 51 grant applicants, to the SPS Board of Directors at a regular board meeting. To date the Foundation has awarded more than $170,000 in grants.
“It is so exciting and rewarding to visit the classrooms to see the creative use of the funds and how we are making a difference for the kids and teachers,” said SPSF President Gerald Winkler.
The Foundation provided grants ranging from $200 to $1,000 to school district staff for a variety of programs, equipment purchases, and creative projects that enhance student learning. Grants are awarded based on a number of criteria, including need, number of students affected, free and reduced lunch rates, and overall uniqueness.
This year there was over $50,000 in grant requests, showing the need for support of these important resources
Listed below are 2018-19 Spokane Public Schools Foundation grant recipients:
- One-to-One Computing – Salk Middle School – 7th – 8th Grade Teachers, Benjamin Morgan, Ryan Corigliano, Britten Jay, Jim Leach
- World Drumming Ensemble – Stevens Elementary – Music Teacher, Shawn Tolley
- Flexible Seating: A Classroom for the future – Woodridge Elementary – 1st Grade Teacher WendiRae Putzke
- Math Matters: Promoting Participation in Math – Garry Middle School – 7th Grade Teacher, Kyla Gellerson
- West-African/Afro-Cuban Drumming – The Community School – 9th Grade Teacher – David Egly
- Core Knowledge Virtual Field Trip Lab – Balboa Elementary – 6th Grade Teacher, Stephanie Kubej
- North Central 11th Grade AVID Seattle College Trip – North Central High School – 11th Grade Teacher, Matt Johnson
- Middle School Outdoor Education Opportunity – Spokane Public Montessori – 7th Grade Teacher, Erin Schmidt
- Morning Tubs for Growing Minds – Roosevelt Elementary – 1st Grade Teacher, Sara Ball-Vadeboncoeur
- Lenovo Winbooks for Blended Learning and Technology Access – Garry Middle School – 7th Grade Teacher, Haley Thompson
- Bringing Nabi Tablets Into the Classroom – Logan Elementary – 1st Grade Teacher, Kimberly Slater
- Real Life Applications Through Hands-On Experiences – Glover Middle School, 8th Grade Teacher, Brenda Cunningham
- Sacajawea Theatre Guild – Sacajawea Middle School, 8th Grade Teacher, Adrienne Kilbourne
- Enhance Literacy and Improve Oral Language for English Language Learners Through I Pads – Logan Elementary – ELL Teacher, Maria Esther Zamora
- Balboa Elementary Drumming – Balboa Elementary – 3rd Grade Teacher, Katie Munro
- ALEKS Adaptive Math Program – Logan Elementary – 3rd Grade Teacher, Judy Reavis
- Fidgets and Calming Corners for All Students – Grant Elementary – Kat Hawker
- Healthroom Grant for Classroom Success – Grant Elementary – Heidi Hash
- Spokane Virtual Learning Summer School Need Grant – Spokane Virtual Learning – 9th Grade Teacher Ted Baycroft
- Words Their Way Leveled Library – Shaw Middle School – Teachers, Marcy Ray, Kamian Truman and Jewel Johnston
- Read180 Library – Additional Audio Books and Novels – Sacajawea Middle School – 7th Grade Teacher, Nancy Nicholas
- Summer Mental Health Outreach – Holmes, Finch and Audubon Elementary – Janine Carolus
- Listen to Reading Program – Roosevelt Elementary – Darcie Josephson
- Healing in the Classroom – Longfellow Elementary – 3rd Grade Teacher, Deanna Dashiell
- Second Step Grade 4 Classroom Kit – Lincoln Heights Elementary – 4th Grade Teacher, Lisel Cornell
- Wiggle to Focus – Westview Elementary – Kari Cunningham
- Technology Access for Students with Disabilities – Regal Elementary – 4th Grade Teacher Laura Hamilton
- Project 100% College Application Completion – John R. Rogers High School – 12th Grade Teacher – Joe Phipps
- Community and Collaboratin Enhanced by Classroom Design – Willard Elementary – 4th Grade Teacher, Mariah Ochoa
- STYLE – Songwriting Through Youth Literature Education – Westview Elementary, 4th Grade Teacher, Amanda Monger
- Wool & Wires: A STEAM Art Unit – Salk Middle School – 7th Grade Teacher, Colleen MacIver
- See Them Wobble, See Them Learn – Cooper Elementary, 2nd Grade Teacher, Kim Magner
- Curiosity Through Independent Reading, Libby Center Spanish Immersion – 1st Grade Teacher, Kate Hellenthal
- Using Visual Thinking Strategies in Writing and Science – Garfield Elementary – 3rd Grade Teacher, Marion Bageant
- Flexible Seating in 6th Grade ELA – Libby Center – Odyssey – 6th Grade Teacher, Jessi Arp
- Incentive Based Parenting Program – Bemiss Elementary, 1st Grade Teacher, Brooke Miller
- After-School TAKE ROOT Program – Shaw Middle School – 8th Grade Teacher, Rhonda Leibrecht
- Bridging Literacy Through Graphic Novels – Shaw Middle School – 7th Grade Teacher, Tim Lewis
- Fieldtrip to UW Math Day – Shadle Park High School – 12th Grade Teacher, Aubrey Smith
- Sheridan’s Community Garden – Sheridan Elementary – Christina Grieshaber
- Trout in the Classroom – Roosevelt Elementary – Melissa Pearcy
- Scooter Boards: A New Perspective on Movement – Garry Middle School – Fitness and Health Teacher, Scott Numata
- Magnos Sonmia – Garry Middle School – Principal, Wendy Watson
- Expanding Thunderbean Coffee – Sacajawea Middle School, 7th Grade Teacher, Melaina Cole
- Long Term Access to Raz Kids: Comprehensive Literacy Program for Kids – Bemiss Elementary – 1st Grade Teacher, Katie Wood
- STEM and Engineering Bins for my Littlest Scientists – Linwood Elementary – Teacher, Emily O’Halloran
2016-17 Grants Awarded
Drums, books, iPads, microscopes and a robot petting zoo are among the items that the 2016-17 Spokane Public Schools Foundation grants will purchase for classroom projects and programs. The Foundation will present a check for $25,407.81, the total awarded to 35 grant applicants, to the SPS Board of Directors at the regular board meeting Wednesday. Since its beginning nine years ago, the Foundation has awarded more than $100,000 in grants.
“It is so exciting and rewarding to visit the classrooms to see the creative use of the funds and how we are making a difference for the kids and teachers,” said SPSF President Gerald Winkler.
The Foundation provided grants ranging from $200 to $1,000 to school district staff for a variety of programs, equipment purchases, and creative projects that enhance student learning. Grants are awarded based on a number of criteria, including need, number of students affected, free and reduced lunch rates, and overall uniqueness.
The 2016-17 grant recipients are:
- Adams Elementary second grade: Literature Circles – higher level chapter book sets to challenge students
- Audubon Elementary first grade: GAME PLAN for Audubon – new curriculum for the developmental music program
- Audubon Elementary fourth grade: Field trip for STEM activities
- Balboa Elementary first grade: STEAM Day (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math)
- Bemiss Elementary first grade: Mathematics curriculum enrichment & intervention materials
- Bemiss third grade: Digital reading for ELL and intervention support (subscriptions to Raz-Kids)
- Bemiss Elementary sixth grade: Bemiss Family Book Study
- Franklin Elementary K-6th grade: Franklin Volunteer Reading Tutor Program
- Garry Middle School eighth grade: Empowering student leaders to change the MS culture (camps/training)
- Glover Middle School seventh grade: Learning outside of the box – special education, designed instruction
- Grant Elementary: Resource room tools – noise-reduction headphones, Kindle child tablets with educational games & balance ball seats
- Grant Elementary: Student growth & learning enhancement (stable ball chairs)
- Grant Elementary K-6th grade: African drums & African fabric for drummers and dancers
HEART program seventh grade: 12 Weeks of Wellness - Lidgerwood Elementary third grade: Enrichment of learning experiences for ELL students – iPad minis
- Lincoln Heights Elementary: Building a foundation for school success (Boardmaker Plus! software)
- Logan Elementary fifth grade: ALEKS adaptive math program – web-based math software for two classrooms
- Logan Elementary fifth grade: Drumline marching snare drums
- Longfellow Elementary first-third grade: Animal habitats and adaptations (hands-on materials)
- Longfellow Elementary second-sixth grade: Microscopes
- Madison Elementary first grade: Dreaming About Math! Dreambox licenses for 12 months
- On Track Academy 10th grade: Robot petting zoo
- On Track Academy 11th grade: Industry-standard stained glass studio (glass saw, light table & high-quality sheets of glass)
- On Track Academy 11th grade: Alternative student leadership council
- Rogers High School ninth grade: STEM/Maker space – CTE/STEM courses
- Roosevelt Elementary third grade: Wiggle our way to learning (balance ball chairs)
- Salk Middle School seventh grade: Blinking hearts at Salk – blink heart rate monitors
- Stevens Elementary sixth grade: General fund for Stevens K.P.W.E. makers club
- SVL ninth grade: Summer scholarships for high school credit courses
- TEC/Bryant seventh grade: Cross-curricular ozobots & coding
- The Community School 11th grade: TCS Robotics club
- Willard Elementary first grade: First graders in need of iPads for technology integration
- Willard Elementary first grade: Construction of a listening library – purchase 89 audiobooks
- Woodridge Elementary sixth grade: Elementary rocketry unit